Flamer! PLEASE KEEP THIS README FILE WITH THE EXECUTABLES ------- Here is my flamer program. Public domain - use it, copy it, change it, give it to other people, etc. If you like it or have any comments, please mail me at the address below - especially if you find a use for the code in anything. Its been done before - there are some full-screen versions but I don't think they look as good as my single high-resolution flame. I have provided several executable files with different coloured flames. The "tester" flame uses a palette made up of 3 repeating colours, so that you can clearly see the shape of the flame. This is useful if you want to try and change the shape of the flame. There are some comments in the source code, but I think the code is fairly straight-forward anyway. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The zip archive contains the following files: programs.zip another zip archive containing the executables source.asm assembler source code for the programs readme.txt erm.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why have I put a zip file inside another zip file? The inside zip file doesn't have any compression - the files are simply concatenated together. When this file is then zipped the size is dramatically reduced, as the file contains lots of repeating patterns. Take my word for it - it works out better this way. Note to Americans: delete the 'u' in the word "colour" Mail to: emil0@aol.com Home page: http://members.aol.com/emil0/ or ftp://members.aol.com/emil0/ *** note: its a zero in the middle of the addresses, not an O! *** E.Vaughan May 1996 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------